Q&A with Author Orion Kelly

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What is your book called and what is it about? Autism Feels… An Earthling’s Guide. It’s a step by step guide to answering questionnaires.

Tell us more about you? I am a human man (arguably) who is Autistic (definitely). I am a content creator focused on raising the world’s understanding, appreciation and acceptance of Autistic people. Oh and how best to answer questionnaires.

Let us get to know you a little better by answering these quickfire questions:

What is your favourite quote? “Fuller, go easy on the Pepsi”.

What is your favourite book? Autism Feels… An Earthling’s Guide.

What is your favourite podcast at the moment? Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend.

Who is your role model? To have a role model is to live someone else’s life. I do me.

Who in your life has inspired you the most and why? Me. Everyone else just annoying gets in the way.

What is your coffee order? Strong Latte. But, when ordering in Italy it’s a cafe latte, or they will just give me a cup of warm milk.

Pet peeves? I’m Autistic, so everything.

What inspired you to write this book? Receiving one too many generic questionnaires that non one ever reads. Oh and to make life better for my Autistic son. But mostly the questionnaire part.

How did you find the process of writing and publishing your book? The writing and creation part was really enjoyable and satisfying. I especially valued the team effort approach and how inclusive and flexible the team was with me and my individual needs. The publishing / releasing part I found and still find overwhelming. My wife tells me that most people would love to have received the media attention I have got with my book. However, as an Autistic person it’s been and continues to be the most confronting and exhausting experience of my life.

What surprised you most about the writing process? I’ve been writing and creating content for over 20 years so there were no real surprises. Aside from the feedback that my style is raw and fresh and actually readable.

What do you hope the reader gets from reading this book? Above all else, I hope they take away the tools to better answer questionnaires and the many groundbreaking quickfire questions that come with them.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Just start writing. One word at a time. Go with the flow and do not judge yourself. Just write

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